Erik Stirling Cross

Erik was born September 25 of 1966… making him only a teenager when he went to a party June 25th 1983. It was a graduation party for other kids in his high school, though he wouldn’t yet have been graduating that year. His parents didn’t even know he was at the party where he was hanging out, and drinking with the other kids. Once he was done with the party he decided to walk home, as the party was less than a mile from Eriks own home.

Around 1:30 am he was seen by a gas station that was in between the party and his home. There were two cars also seen there that same time, one was filled with kids from the party.

At one point in the morning, Eriks dad heard something at the front door, he assumed Erik was home and that he didn’t have to worry anymore so he went back to sleep… however the front door was actually locked and Eric and Erik never made it inside, despite the fact it seems that he did make it home.

Early the next morning, his own father went out to get the paper and found a shoe in the driveway, upon further looking he found Eriks body in their driveway, in the small town of Vicksburg Michigan where people are typically safe.

At first it looked like he had simply been hit by a car late in the night and the person had driven off… however upon further examination the hit and run was simply a cover up… Eric was very possibly dead before he was ever even run over by the car.

There was evidence scattered 100’s of yard from where his body was found, shredded fabrics and blood, there were rope burns on his body and he was very beat up, including a lower back wound that draws the conclusion that Erik was tied up to a car and dragged behind it before ever being hit.

After that lots of rumors went around…. One extreme suspect was Brent Spaulding. Brent spaulding’s car had been one of the ones seen at the gas station Erik was last seen at and suddenly after Erik’s death, his car vanished. There is also some who say Erik may have flirted with Brent’s girlfriend while they were at the party.

Brent’s girlfriend, a person of interest in the case, Amber (at that time Hull) admits she knows what happened to Erik but she doesn’t want to implicate herself.

According to a facebook group dedicated to Justice for Erik there are five people said to be involved: Amber Thomas Macik (Hull), Bill Cook, Tim Martin, Brian Spaulding Sr. and Brent Spaulding.

 Facebook post from Justice for Eric Stirling cross posted June 19

June 1983 Bill Cook you turned 17 on June 20th,1983. 5 days later you took your supposed “best friend” to a graduation party,without Erik’s parents knowledge. 6 days later you helped Kill Erik and began the cover up of your “best friends” vicious violent MURDER. 37 years later Bill you are about to turn 54 years old and you continues to lie and hide the truth about your “best friend” Erik’s murder that you participated in and continues to lie and cover up.17 years old to 54 years old,and still a liar that stays drunk to keep from remembering watching Erik get beaten to death. Watching Erik run and get hunted down by you and your friends in that car. Watching Erik bleeding from his skull and dying in front of you.Watching Erik dead,as you helped throw him on the ground and drive away. See those flashes?That’s Erik Murder haunting you!That’s Erik still asking you to do the right thing FOR HIM,NOT YOU BILL COOK! As you and your drinking buddies get ready to get your drunk on tonight and tomorrow, remember, you already killed once at a party…

Arrest warrants for those listed were requested in October 2017 but nothing ended up coming of it due to lack of evidence. Michigan attorney’s general office is no no longer pursuing the case, however locally in Kalamazoo county the case is still open and being investigated.

My Theory: Based on all I’ve learned I believe that after Eric reached his house and found the door locked he walked back out to go around the house to the back door. Brent Spaulding and his friends then saw Erik and decided to mess with him…. once they realized how badly they had hurt him they tried to make it look like a hit and run and then Brent’s father helped him get rid of the car, and and any real evidence that could have put them behind bars.

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